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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ১৭ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৫

সিজিডিএফ মহোদয়ের জীবন বৃত্তান্ত


A H M Shamsur Rahman

Controller General Defence Finance (CGDF)



Mr. A H M Shamsur Rahman assume the post of Controller General Defence Finance (CGDF) for the Government of Bangladesh since January 27, 2025. With a remarkable career spanning over 29 years in Public Financial Management, he brings extensive experience and expertise to his role.


His previous appointments include esteemed positions at institutions such as Additional Controller General of Accounts (Admin), Director General, Defence Audit Directorate, PTST Audit Directorate, LGRD Audit Directorate, Education Audit Directorate, CAFO Home, CAFO Pension and Fund Management, ACAG (IAW), Director MIS, Financial Management Academy (FIMA), the Office of the Finance Adviser and Chief Accounts Officer (EAST and WEST), and several other key roles across different government departments and directorates, showcasing a rich and diverse professional background. He also worked as Additional Project Director in a Canadian Funded Project (SCOPE)). Apart from regular works in GoB he also served as a Financial Management Specialist in a World Bank-Funded Project (BEZA) while on lien, contributing his financial acumen to the successful implementation of the initiative.



Mr. A H M Shamsur Rahman holds a Master of Arts in Public Financial Management from the University of Ulster, UK; Master of Science (M.Sc.) and a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Statistics from the University of Dhaka. He completed his Secondary School Certificate (SSC) and Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) from Rajshahi Cadet College.


Professional Experience:

Mr. A H M Shamsur Rahman has actively pursued various training programs to augment his professional expertise. Noteworthy among these are:

In the Training Programme on IT AUDIT, he delved into the intricacies of Information Technology Audit, gaining contemporary insights and skills in this evolving field.

His participation in Managerial Accounting Training (MAT) reflects a commitment to advancing his proficiency in the principles and practices of managerial accounting, contributing to a holistic understanding of financial management.

The National Training Course on Public Procurement Management provided him with valuable perspectives on effective procurement strategies and management, aligning with the evolving dynamics of public procurement.

With a focus on leveraging technology in the audit domain, the Training on IT Audit and IDEA Software equipped him with specialized knowledge, particularly in the application of IDEA Software for enhanced audit processes.

Lastly, his involvement in the Training on International Standards of Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAI) underscored a dedication to aligning his practices with globally recognized standards, ensuring adherence to the highest benchmarks in audit institutions.



A book on government accounting titled “Sorkari Hisabayon Poddhotir Moulik O Baboharik Dharona”.